We stagger from day to day, trying to mend the tapestry of our
imperfect lives – a task all too subtle, for we weave in the dark and
the cloth is fragile. So it is that we drink deep from the wellspring
of wishes to sustain us. We hope to undo knots and yet preserve the
cloth; and for patterns we imagine to manifest someday. But the very
fabric is capricious, and inevitably, it unravels. In our sorrow,
we dig the earth with our bare hands, and make a grave for our
dreams. Often, it is hope we really plant.
Paragraph by : Anirudh Santhiar
The painting is intricate with very fine lines. Overall, it plays with a transition between the positive and negative space. it has two ways of looking at.
1st perspective:
the painting has a strong feeling of movement. it is under the process of creating something new. all the fine lines represent threads.the different threads overlap, twine and flow into each other. there is a center where all energy is focused, where new patterns are being generated... there is a rapid movement towards the center but just when you are about to reach there, just when the new creation is about to take birth, a darker force draws all the energy into itself , the whole processes is lost amidst the infinity.the soul of the fabric remains but the threads are left loose without any direction . the whole existence of the threads, the patterns that were struggling to be formed is questioned.
2nd perspective:
Now look at the painting with the black hole as the center of energy... and new things are evolving from there, the thin strands are slowly emerging out of it and are venturing , flowing into each other,creating a new fabric with new patterns! the scenario changes. what was once a source of negativity is now a bubbling bowl of new hope.
The answer to any problem depends on how we perceive the problem. There is always hope, even in the worst situations. the bottom line is, be optimistic! open your creative eye... the answer lies within.